Monday, September 30, 2019
Demonstration Speech
Duyen Pham INTRODUCTION: I would like to ask the class with a show of hands, who has never blew a bubble or played with bubbles? I have never met a kid or an adult who could resist bubbles. I believe that there is something unique about a bubble from its fragility, to its rainbow of colors, and to the perfect circle shape. A bubble's life expectancy is usually measured in seconds unless you know how to make a SUPER BUBBLE! So today, I am going to demonstrate how to make a bouncing bubble. MATERIALS: * 1 cup of distilled water * 2 tablespoons of dish soap * 1 tablespoon of glycerin * Pair of gloves * Small bubble wand, straw, or pipette STEPS: . Start with 1 cup of distilled water 2. Add 2 tablespoons of dish soap 3. Then, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin 4. Last, mix together all the ingredients EXPERIMENT: * Allowing your bubble solution to sit undisturbed for at least 24 hours in advance, will allow the bongs in the bubble solution strengthen, which means stronger bubbles. After making up a batch of Bubble Solution with the ingredients listed above. * Using a small bubble wand start by blowing a bubble. If you are using the pipette instead of the bubble wand, cut the bulb off the top of the pipette, dip it into the bubble solution, and blow into the other end of the pipette.If using a straw just dip and blow out the other end. * Bounce the bubble off of your gloves. It can also be bounced off other fabrics. As you'll soon see, some fabrics work better than others. CONCLUSION: Most people don’t know that the bursting of a bubble is caused by contaminates that instantly breaks down the bubble’s mixture and destroys its surface tension. That is why even lightly touching a bubble causes it to burst. So, even though it is just a puff of air trapped in a thin film of soap and water we just need to enjoy the little things in life.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Evidence Base Practice
Discuss how evidence -based practice is applied in your practice setting and describe the desired outcome achieved through this approach. â€Å"Evidence-based practice is an interdisciplinary approach to clinical practice†.(â€Å"Evidence-based practice,†) Its purpose is to improve the quality of patient care and patient outcomeIn critical care unit the area in which I practice, evidence based practice is implemented for reduction and prevention of critical illness such as neuromyopathy. To accomplish this, a supportive treatment approach has been implemented. The treatment of all sources of inflammation is aggressively executed. Potentials for infections is addressed by early removal of Foley’s, discontinuation of iv lines when no longer needed, Peripheral iv changed every 72 hours, and picc lines are removed when it is evident that the patient is febrile for 24 to 48 hours. Another treatment approach is early weaning of patients on mechanical ventilator.The en tire interdisciplinary team is involved in a mobility plan for all patients admitted on the unit. Early weight-bearing and ambulation is encouraged. Control of schedule for mobilizing patients out of bed is the responsibility of members in the physical therapy department. Each patient may be up for about two hours, the number of patients to be up and the time they should be up is posted for both day and night shifts. For vented patients, the Respiratory therapist, the nurses and the nursing assistant together as team is responsible for getting these patients out of bed. Strict attention is placed on the patient’s nutrition in order to restore muscle mass. Critical illness neuromyopathy is a major complication in critical care unit patients, affecting peripheral nerves muscles and neuromuscular junction, resulting in muscle weakness and paresis.â€Å"Early mobilization or kinesiotherapy have shown to result in muscle weakness reversion in critically ill patients. This provide s faster return to function, reducing weaning time, and length of hospitalization†. (Pattanshetty and Gaude) This treatment regime has been in effective from the beginning of 2013 and according to reports given at weekly interdisciplinary meeting there has been marked improvement in patient outcome. The weaning process is less prolonged. Patients have less functional disability and there has been a decline in the infection rate.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Communication, Writing and Professional Practice Essay - 1
Communication, Writing and Professional Practice - Essay Example Most employees are students or other less skilled workers. These workers come from a diverse background, and mostly belong to different age groups, gender and races. The jobs that the employees of a supermarket generally perform, ranges from manual work, such as stocking shelves to management duties. A part of the on-floor employees work description is that they have to help the customer locate what they desire and provide them product information if required. Another form of on-floor activity is performed by the cashiers who man the POS. Apart from the shop floor, most supermarkets have at least one manager present at the store at all times. These are usually college graduates with experience and their job description involves keeping inventory controls to other management related issues. Rest of the work team at a supermarket consist of the office workers, the clerks, secretaries and the accountants. From the order filler to the stocker to the on-floor supervisor, how does the communication occur? And what are the rules and norm patterning that communication? As in all other organizations and businesses, effective workplace communication is among the most important factors that determine the success of a supermarket. Deal and Kennedy (1982, Cited in Gilsdorf, 1998) talk in their book about how a strong corporate culture, effective communication and cost saving are linked together. They say that by knowing exactly what their organization expects of them, employees will waste very little time trying to decide how to act in a particular situation. We can conclude from the above statement that people who know the ropes of their organization; those who know the rules are generally more effective in the work that they perform. The term rule here is used to denote the assumptions organizational members make about the right way to communicate in given situations in their particular organization (Gilsdorf, 1998). In her paper,
Personal journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Personal journal - Essay Example At least I’ll have my own four wheels and freedom to get places I need to be. It’s funny because I know I’ll mostly be using it to get to school and work on time. Oh well, it’s still liberating to know you have your own car; a vehicle you can use anytime you want to. Sometimes I notice people and the types of cars they drive. It almost defines them and their personality. I saw an elderly lady driving the other day, hands firmly on the wheel, back slightly hunched, eyes focused, and forehead wrinkled in concentration. She was driving a neat little, Ford, a family car suitable for basic day to day needs and errands. Something safe, reliable, and comforting, just like her. I wonder if people will look and analyze me when I’m sitting in my car driving down the street. First, I need to pick one out though. God, I hope I don’t get something too shabby. Maybe I’ll get it painted a bright blue or even silver to make it cooler. I’ll be o ne of the first ones among my friends to have one. We would all be able to hang out more often once school is over; cruising down in my car I don’t have yet. I still have to get a summer job though. I’ll start looking at the wanted ads tomorrow. I’ll talk to my dad again tonight and see for sure how much he can pitch in. I’ll be able to help around more with outside chores and tasks. Yeah that’ll be a good starting point to reel in my dad.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Managing conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Managing conflict - Essay Example It is important therefore, to resolve conflicts quickly and openly. There are several kinds of conflicts that can be manifested in teams. There would be arguing and discussing about issues that matter to the organization like cost cutting, making the work force more productive or how to counteract a competitor. These are essential discussions that would mostly be beneficial to the group or organization. These predispose good exchange of ideas and opinions that would most probably lead to workable, if not excellent solutions. These kinds of conflict are task-led and should be encouraged. However, if teams display an open dislike for one another or are engaged in a ‘word war,’ then, this would be more of a destructive kind. The team would be experiencing an interpersonal conflict defined with animosity and heated exchanges. These conflicts would ultimately affect the whole team as it makes the atmosphere for work tension-filled (Team Building, 2009). As a team leader, managers are often in the position to handle conflicts within his or her team. It is therefore needed that the leader is strong and can take charge of the situation. He or she must have the strategies to allow the team to communicate effectively, create rapport, resolve conflict and lead and motivate the whole team. He must also fully understand the diversity of the group by appreciating the various viewpoints, experiences, skills and opinions. Conflict should first be handled on an informal basis between the individuals involved. This will allow time for resolution or self-correction by the individuals. If the conflict remains unsettled, a mediator can be brought in to help resolve the situation. If resolution is still not achieved the dispute should be openly discussed in a team meeting. A formal disciplinary process needs to occur, if resolution is not achieved after being addressed at the team level (Rayeski & Bryant,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Summarizing an Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Summarizing an Article - Essay Example Three different research questions were taken into consideration. In the first hypothesis, the authors made an assumption that the acceptance from partner was due to different reasons and had an association with some elements either positive or negative; Either the fact relates positively with the effectiveness of the participants weight management communication or secondly the participant’s satisfaction is positively associated with their conversations regarding weight management. In another assumption a negative association was predicted with the participant’s conflict regarding weight management. While the second last and last assumption had a positive relationship with the participant’s healthy eating habits and their amount of exercise (Dailey, Romo and Thompson). In the second hypothesis the challenge from partner was considered (1) to have a positive relationship with the effectiveness of participant’s weight management communication, (2) to be posi tively associated with participant’s satisfactions regarding conversations on weight management, (3) to have a negative relationship with participant’s conflict regarding management of weight, (4) to be positively associated with healthy eating habits of participants, and (5) to have a positive association with the amount of exercise participants perform (Dailey, Romo and Thompson). ... agement conflict, (4) healthy eating habits, and (5) duration of exercise in a way that it should illustrate the relationship between one element and its results which will rise with raised levels of second element (Dailey, Romo and Thompson). All the three hypothesis assumed three different questions however, all three were aligned with each other. B- Methodology / Approach / Sampling: For this research methodology the researchers have adopted the quantitative method. The researchers have selected a normative sample of 200 adults. The sample was adequately divided into 50% males and 50% females. The 100 couples were selected through proper recruitment approach in a Southwestern area of United States. The recruitment was done through proper advertisements in websites, and through flyers at gyms, coffee shops, and local health clubs. Questionnaires were given to the couples and a duration of 60 – 65 minutes were given to them to complete the survey. The data was collected throu gh conversations between the couples regarding health and weight management. The data gathered through the conversations were assessed through a measure adapted from Hecht. However, 7- points Likert scale was also used to assess the elements of research. There are two controlled variables used in the research by the researchers; how often the partners have had conversations regarding weight management and to what extent they wanted to stay healthy and how significant was health to them (Dailey, Romo and Thompson). C- Results / Findings: The results obtained were tested through APIM. The method was used to answer the degree of interdependence between partners in couples regarding weight management. However, multi-level modeling was also used to assess the results. However, MLM were significantly
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Accounting ds Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Accounting ds - Coursework Example A number of businesses use computerized systems to handle each step in their process of accounting. Companies usually improve their AISs to remain competitive in the industry and comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Simkin, 2014). There are three types of Accounting Information Systems, namely manual systems, legacy systems and modern, integrated IT systems. An organization’s choice of the system to use depends on its size, business needs, and types of business and how sophisticated the business is (Simkin, 2014). A well and carefully designed AIS usually makes a business to run smoothly on daily basis, however, a poorly-designed one hampers its operations. Just like in the cases of Lehman brothers and WorldCom, the data in AIS can be used in uncovering the story of what actually went wrong. A successful business normally has an efficient and accurate accounting information system that is well maintained. Q2 A company purchased a cash register on January 1 for $5,400. This register has a useful life of 10 years and a salvage value of $400. What would be the depreciation expense for the second year of its useful life using the double-declining-balance method? Firstly, we record the ending balances from the bank statement. Secondly, prepare a detailed list of all the deposits in transit. Then we sum the two items. Thirdly, we prepare a detailed list of all the outstanding checks, checks written or sent but not cleared. We then correct any errors before getting the difference between the ending balance and the total outstanding to get adjusted bank balance. Fourthly, we adjust the general ledger balance by adding any interest received, subtracting NSF checks, correcting any errors and subtracting any service charges to get the adjusted general ledger balance. Finally, we compare the adjusted general ledger balance to the adjusted bank balance and the two items should agree. Q4 A company
Monday, September 23, 2019
Effective communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Effective communication - Essay Example For à µxamplà µ, a patià µnt suffà µring from a condition may havà µ a complicatà µd history in which thà µy havà µ sà µÃ µn many outsidà µ spà µcialists and havà µ alrà µady trià µd various trà µatmà µnts, and thà µ dà µlivà µry systà µm has to know this. So what thà µ hospital hopà µs to do is to install a sort of softwarà µ basà µd knowlà µdgà µ sharing systà µm that will à µnd this problà µm. o What tà µchniquà µs wà µrà µ inà µffà µctivà µ? Thà µ issuà µ of à µlà µctronic knowlà µdgà µ sharing is rà µlà µvant bà µcausà µ today’s hà µalthcarà µ à µnvironmà µnt is onà µ that is quickly changing as nà µw tà µchnology is constantly bà µing adoptà µd, and this tà µchnology brings risks as wà µll as rà µwards. Patià µnt privacy and confidà µntiality also rà µmain rà µlà µvant concà µrns from an à µthical as wà µll as a là µgal pà µrspà µctivà µ in thà µ hà µalthcarà µ à µnvironmà µnt. In today’s hà µalthcarà µ sà µtting, â€Å"Computà µr systà µms dà µsignà µd for clinical usà µ apply tà µchnology that is protà µctivà µ of data. In addition, an à µlà µctronic patià µnt rà µcord is backà µd up according to hospital policy†¦ and as thà µ chart is modifià µd by carà µgivà µrs, thosà µ changà µs arà µ automatically savà µd and an audit trail crà µatà µd†(Ford à µt al., 2005).
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Great Leap Forward Essay Example for Free
The Great Leap Forward Essay The Hundred flowers campaign was followed by a new militant approach to Chinese economics. Shaoqi believed that the PLA and the military complex should be strengthened for several reasons; firstly the rejection of Mao foreign policy (Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence) in order to prepare for the invasion of Tibet and other island provinces free from mainland influence since the days of the KMT republic. Secondly the war in Korea had created a siege-mentality in China (similar to USSR in the 1930s), China would be ready for invasion. Xiaoping believed that the people could be motivated and ideologically aroused. Mao supported this initial plan believing that this Second Five Year Plan could work better than the first. However he was wary of Shaoqis motives and did not wish to see the people merely exploited and made to work towards unrealistic targets. He initiated the xiafang movement, which took the Leap down to the countryside level. The xiafang movement would have several stages. Primarily it would concentrate on heavy industry and mobilisation of the urban regions. Beijing would begin this with a march to work programme. Next, the increasing of the indoctrinisatation of technology experts and the scientific community. Finally the xiafang movement would move to the rural areas with party cadres and members moving to the people and helping them in agricultural policies. It is at this point that the debate arises critics have suggested that Mao supported the scheme because he was unhappy with the USSRs de-Stalinisation of itself. He was undoubtedly concerned about his countrys over-reliance on Soviet help. The split over the direction occurred in late 1958, by then nearly 750,000 new collectivised farms had been created and agricultural output was at Chinas highest ever, Mao wanted to create forums to discuss problems with the Leap, he also wanted greater self-sufficiency amongst the communes. Shaoqi resisted this idea believing that centralisation was the only means of ensuring success. He introduced the radical mass dormitories with over 5000 people to each one. This new housing was resisted bitterly and Mao argued that it was essential the CCP listened to the people. Zhou Enlai also voiced concerns over plans to release worker from these collectives for overly grand projects such as hydro-plants and irrigation works. Mao quickly seized upon growing disenchantment and distanced himself from the ruling committee. 1959 was a disastrous year for the Chinese economy, in February of that year; Shaoqi admitted that the CCP had exaggerated figures for success. Famine ravaged Maos home province of Hunan and Zhus Jiangxi. Food shortages affected Beijing; raw materials were in short supply for the industrial complex. Xiaoping worsened the situation by creating the Department of Economic Growth ((based upon the Soviet Gosplan model) which centralised directives and set even higher targets. The direct result was the over-production of poor quality goods, a virtual collapse of heavy industry through mismanagement, a malaise and a demoralisation and exhaustion of the peasant population. The intellectual wing of the CCP demanded the plan was scrapped, which led to a vicious purging of the intelligentsia. Mao who personally bore the brunt of blame for the Leap fiasco stepped down from office in April. The following year saw a massive shift in the balance of power; the Second National Congress gave Lui Shaoqi complete control of the CCP and all Maos positions. Defence minister Peng Dehuai openly attacked Maoist policies and firmly placed the blame on Mao. However, Lin Baio a noted Maoist successfully ousted Dehuai out of office and accepted the post of Defence minister. He offers Zhu De the post of C-in-C of the army, who declines. Lin Baio resigns in 1961 after Chinas successful total annexation of Tibet. He is alarmed at the threat to invade Taiwan and the attacks on Jinmen and Mazu. By 1961, the swing to the right was almost complete with Shaoqi in the ascendancy and his fraction most of the positions of power. However with the battle for supremacy gaining momentum by 1962 with Maos spectacular return to power, the political landscape of China would never be the same and the CCP by 1970 would be decimated from top to bottom.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Racial Differences in the Corrections System Essay Example for Free
Racial Differences in the Corrections System Essay â€Å"According to Black Star Project Executive Director, Phillip Jackson, in 2007 there were 321 African American men enrolled at Northwestern University (1.7 percent of the student body) but four times that number – 1,207- imprisoned at Western Illinois Correctional Center (60 percent of the prison population)†(Walker, Spohn Delone, 2012). This is only one example of the astounding percentage of young black men currently serving jail time as opposed to pursuing a college education. Something must be vitally wrong with our criminal justice system, since it allows these staggering numbers to hold truth. Overall the total percentage of young African American males is almost five times more than that of their young white or Hispanic male counterparts. I find this statistic very disturbing and chose to research the why and how this is occurring. There are many possible reasons such as limited access to public health clinics, racial profiling, unfair judicial systems, racial differences in judges, lawyers, and law makers, poverty, and parental upbringing; to name a few. How do these young men get sucked into a life of crime, do they have an alternative or a role model to seek counsel form? The numbers do not lie and there must be sound reasons behind them. In this paper I will research and discuss the various reasons why young African American males are grossly over represented in the criminal justice and corrections facilities. While the overall white population is higher than the African American population, 10.4 percent of African American men between the ages of 25-29 can expect to spend time in jail, compared with 2.4 percent of Hispanics and 1.2 percent of white men. Throughout this paper I will discuss not only the staggering numbers but also the reasoning behind them and possible solutions or at the very least a starting point to help fix the problem at hand. â€Å"†¦People of color are disproportionately involved in the criminal justice system, as crime victims, offenders, persons arrested, and persons in prison†(Walker, Spohn Delone, 2012). It Starts at a Young Age There is more than one reason behind the racial imbalance in the criminal justice system. Areas that have been evaluated are parental involvement, peer groups, neighborhoods, the individual, and racial discrimination at all levels. It appears that the problem is present in the juvenile justice system as well, something is not working right if these children are not receiving the rehabilitation and or help they need to lead a non-criminal life. Redding Arigo, 2005 state this about the number of African American juvenile offenders, â€Å"†¦compromising only 15% of the juvenile population†¦and 57% of the juveniles in state prisons†I decided to discuss juveniles because I found it interesting that they also represented a large number of the criminal offenders in the juvenile justice system in a very similar way that the 25-28 year old African American males do. Several avenues I researched concluded that African American’s have a harder time accessing health facilities such as metal health clinics, where many of the common mental health disorders that criminal offenders suffer from can be treated. â€Å"As many as 70 percent of youth in the system are affected with a mental disorder, and one in five suffer from a mental illness so severe as to impair their ability to function as a young person and grow into a responsible adult†(Hammond, 2007). It seems to me that if we can stop the current process at a young age, why wouldn’t we? Poverty and Single Parent Homes Walker, Spohn Delone state that 9.4 % of white Americans live in poverty compared to a shocking 25.8% of African American’s that live in poverty. There are thousands of studies that link poverty and poor neighborhoods with criminal activity, both victim and criminal. With a quarter of the African American population living at poverty level it is not surprising that they also retain such a large portion of the inmate population. â€Å"Regardless of whether poverty is a cause or an effect, however, the conditions associated with poverty can work against the development of human capitalâ€â€that is the ability of individuals to remain healthy and develop the skills, abilities, knowledge, and habits necessary to fully participate in the labor force†(Nilsen, 2007). If people are not allowed the opportunity to reach their full potential often times a life of crime if the only way to survive. The United States Government recognizes that there is a link yet the problem still exists. Yes there are federally funded programs such as Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, but the poverty level is still alarmingly high. â€Å"The most telling fact about poverty in the United States is how thoroughly it is ignored†(Royce, 2009). While there is a link between poverty and crime, there is also a link between single parent homes or absentee parent homes and crime as well. The percentage of African American families run by a single parent, usually the mother, is astounding, â€Å"†¦50% of all black households with children under age 18 are headed by black women†(Bush, 2004). Often times the majority of these families live at or below the poverty level, leading to a higher chance of violence and criminal activity. The evidence above begins to show the reasoning behind why African Americans have the highest racial population in prisons. In addition they often are judged harder and serve longer sentences in jail than there non-black counterparts. While racial profiling seems to be a likely source I found various accounts of whether or not it is a direct cause of the higher numbers of African American men in prison, the problem seems to lie further up the judicial system. â€Å"Young African American and Hispanic males, in other words, face greater odds of incarceration than young white males primarily because the commit more serious crimes and have more serious prior criminal records†(Walker, Spohn Delone, 2012). Even though they may commit more serious crimes, when sentenced next to a non-minority for the same crime, their sentences are often longer. Clifford Levy 1996 of the New York Times states,†black and Hispanic people sentenced for minor felonies or misdemeanors in New York were treated more harshly than whites in similar circumstances.†His statements are based on a study released by the Pataki administration. Higher Up the Judicial System Other areas that may lead to the disproportioned numbers in the jails are judges, juries, and lawyers. Next I plan to discuss the differences in race among the judges, juries, lawyers, and law makers. â€Å"The jury is the heart of the criminal justice system†(Cole, 2000). How can racially fair rulings be handed out if the jury consists of mostly non-minorities? Racially biased judgments could be a cause of the difference in numbers in our criminal justice system. â€Å"An analysis of Jefferson Parish, La., by the Louisiana Capital Assistance Center found that from 1999 to 2007, blacks were struck from juries at more than three times the rate of whites†(Dewan, 2010). In additional differences amongst the jurors, judges and lawyers are mostly white males. â€Å"Combined African American and Hispanic representation among lawyers was 7% in 1998†¦ There are fewer active African American federal appellate judges today than when Jimmy Carter was President†(T he collaboration the, n.d.). The buck does not stop here, the racial inequality continues up the ladder to Congress, the Senate, and the House. The article Do Your Lawmakers Represent all Americans, or is it Time to Change Congress states, â€Å"The U.S. population includes 12 percent African Americans, 9 percent Hispanics, and 3 percent Asian/Pacific Islanders and other groups. Congress, however, is 87 percent white; 85 percent in the House and 96 percent in the Senate.†If fact black members of the three government bodies above are often times questioned about decisions and their backing status far more than their non-minority counterparts. These numbers back the idea that African Americans face a discriminatory criminal justice system that starts at the top. Unfortunately racial biased is still something that is ingrained in most Americans and until the minorities are fairly represented in the government and judicial system, racial inequality within these entities will still exist. Comparison As mentioned previously African American males face longer prison sentences due to the fact that they commit more serious crimes and have longer criminal records, in general, than white Americans. The racial differences also extend to length of time served, higher rate of convictions and prison sentences. â€Å"The national incarceration rate for whites is 412 per 100,000 residents, compared to 2,290 for African Americans and 742 for Hispanics†(Mauer King, 2007). Incarceration rates are directly affected by the sentencing process. As one might expect African Americans and Hispanics face a harsher time during the sentencing process than white Americans. â€Å"Of the estimates of the direct effect of race on sentencing at the state level, 43.2% indicated harsher sentences for blacks, and over a quarter (27.6%) of the estimates on the direct impact of ethnicity registered harsher sentences for Latinos†(Kansal, 2005). Per the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics in 2007 the conviction ratio broken down by race is as follows: whites 28.8%, blacks 24.4%, and Hispanics 43%. Overall the percentage of African American males and Hispanics males that will serve time in prison compared to white males is significantly higher. Structural Inequality Based on the information above I believe it is apparent that there is severe structural inequality starting at the top with the government down through to the jurors. How can racial unbiased laws be passed if the government writing them is made up the racial majority. It is impossible to truly understand what it is like to be a minority without living it. Some may say they understand and can make unbiased decisions, but the fact remains that without living the lifestyle this is impossible to truly accomplish, which is why African Americans and Hispanics must fight to increase their numbers within the governing bodies. Next the judicial system needs to be addressed; they face the same racial disparities that the government does. White judges and juries are handing out the majority of the convictions and sentences, including those handed out to the minorities. It is evidenced that African Americans face harsher sentences and longer jail times than their white counterparts. â€Å"Efforts should be made to reinstate judicial discretion into the sentencing process to permit judges to craft sentences that accurately reflect the charged conduct and circumstances of the offense and defendant†(Mauer King, 2007). Efforts need to be made to correct the imbalances that the United States criminal justice system currently faces. Conclusion â€Å"To be sure, criminalizing young Black males and warehousing them in jails and prisons will further exacerbate the problems of racial domination and ossify the economic and social inequities structuring their everyday lives†(Hill Lee, 2010). The evidence does not lie; there are sound reasons why African American males between the age of 25-29 have more of their population behind bars. It often times starts at home and works it all the way up to the top. The same problem has been recognized at the juvenile level. African American juvenile offenders represent with a higher number of their population in the criminal justice system. I found some interesting studies that link mental illness to criminal activity. Many families living in poverty have limited access to mental health clinics, thus a possible source of aggression and criminal behavior is going untreated. Poverty levels are still extraordinarily high and it has been proven that living at or below the poverty level and in rough neighborhoods, leads to criminal activity. As many as 50% of the African American families at or below the poverty level are run by a single parent, leading to even more family strain and stress. Another area that is giving rise to the above mentioned numbers is the fact that the criminal justice system, itself, has very few minority members. The House, Senate, and Congress also are compromised of mostly white. The numbers do not correlated with the overall populations in the United States. White judges, lawmakers, juries, and lawyers comprise over 90% of the judicially system and government bodies. It is easier to understand why minorities are dealt harsher sentences, serve longer jail times, are convicted at a higher rate and hold a larger percentage in the prison system. With the current system in place and the obvious structural inequality within the criminal justice system, I fear that the numbers will not change. Action must be taken to incorporate the minorities into these governing bodies. The issue needs to be addressed at the juvenile level, by helping these troubled teens; their numbers may start to decrease at all age levels. The reasoning behind the numbers has been laid out, is know by most, and yet is still a problem. It is time to make a change, if not 1 in every black male born today will see the inside of a prison cell and this is not acceptable. References Bush, L. (2004). How black mothers participate in the development of manhood and masculinity: What do we know about black mothers and their sons? The Journal of Negro Education, 73(4), 381-391. Retrieved from Cole, D. (1999). No equal justice: Race and class in the american criminal justice system. New York: New. The collaboration the legal profession. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dewan, S. (2010, June 1). Study finds blacks blocked from southern juries. The New York Times. Retrieved from Still Being Blocked from Juries in the South, Study Findsst=cse Do your lawmakers represent all americans, or is it time to change congress?. (n.d.).
Friday, September 20, 2019
Definition Of Noise Pollution
Definition Of Noise Pollution The definition of noise pollution is can be elaborate as a type of energy pollution in which distracting, irritating, or damaging sounds are freely audible. Noise pollution contaminants are not physical particles, but rather waves that interfere with naturally-occurring waves of a similar type in the same environment. Sounds are considered noise pollution if they adversely affect wildlife, human activity, or are capable of damaging physical structures on a regular, repeating basis. In the broadest sense of the term, a sound may be considered noise pollution if it disturbs any natural process or causes human harm, even if the sound does not occur on a regular basis. 1.12 Measurement for sound Sound is transmitted in series through the air with the wave compressed. When it comes to sound, there are three terms that can connected with it, the strength, pitch or frequency. Strength calculated in units of decibels (dB). Decibel is a ratio expressed on a logarithmic scale. This logarithmic scale takes care of wide range of sound power, intensity and pressure. The decibel (dB) scale begins from zero, which represents the faintest sound, which is audible to a normal ear. Decibel (dB) is used in environmental noise pollution as a measure of sound power level, sound intensity level and sound pressure level. A decibel is a physical unit based on the weakest sound that can be detected by the human ear. It is named after Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. Our human ear sensitivity to noise in the range of 20 to 20,000. 1.13 Sources of noise pollution People living in urban city complained about the noise from automobile traffic, overhead airplanes and helicopters, leaf blowers, pneumatic drills, and neighbors who play their televisions and stereos much too loudly. Large urban areas are being inundated by unwanted sounds. These sounds or noises are disturbing, disrupting ongoing activities and peaceful interludes. One cannot concentrate on a work project if there is constant drilling at a nearby construction site. It is virtually impossible to enjoy a television program when overhead jets frequently drown out its sound. It is difficult to fall asleep if your upstairs neighbors stereo system is blasting away. There are many sources of noise pollution that created in urban areas. The sources in general may be stationary or mobile. The example of stationary sources is such as when use of loudspeakers on various occasions like festivals, elections, worships in temples, mosques and during advertisements, mining operations, use of bulldozers, drillers and dynamites to break rocks, household gadgets like vacuum cleaner, TV, radio, stereo, grinder, mixer. In the other hand, mobile sources can be classified in Transportation / Traffic noise (Road Traffic or Highway Noise), Industrial noise, Noise from construction work and also Neighborhood noise. Noise has direct physiological effects to human such as hearing damage which can be including hearing loss and tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, as well as cardiovascular and hormonal disturbances. Indirect effects include sleep loss, interference with concentration and learning, mood changes and aggression, and social isolation. Noise pollution is also becoming huge problem for many animals. Their hearing for detecting predators, finding mates, establishing territory, and recognizing warning alerts. Unnaturally high levels of noise can damage their hearing and can also mask more subtle sounds that they need to hear in order to survive and reproduce. They may also react with a fight-or-flight response to artificial sounds such as aircraft noise, thereby using up valuable energy reserves to flee from a non-existent predator. If noise in urban area becomes too intrusive, animals may shift to a new territory or alter their migration patterns, which can create new complications for their mating and survival. Noise Pollution effects the environment. As we all known that plants are similar to human being. They are also as sensitive as man. There should be cool and peaceful environment for their better growth. Noise pollution causes poor quality of crops in a pleasant atmosphere. Aim To awareness people that lived in urban areas when surrounding with noise pollution. I would like to cultivate and make a mass awareness to urban population since the level of awareness on the noise environmental issues is very low in urban areas. This will make a step of prevention to aware the dangerous of noise pollution surrounding them and how they can avoid or decrease the level of noise and know the effects and causes related to noise pollution. 1.3 Plan of the Research The plan is to investigate the level of awareness of the society regarding the environmental issues particularly on noise pollution issue. What are the best actions that need to be taken to make the society/community is aware. One of the plans is creating the survey questions. It will be asked questions to test their personality and attitude towards the environment especially on noise pollution. By performing these tasks, we can identify the best strategy to get peoples attention on this serious matter. This is a few questions that will be discussed. 1.4 Research Question What are the effects of noise on human health How does noise affect babies and children? What are the most common sources of noise pollution? What problems does noise pollution cause for people? What problems does noise pollution cause for animals? What are the effects of noise pollution on the environment? What can I do personally to reduce my own noise pollution? How can we reduce the noise pollution? What are the precautions we can take to avoid noise pollution? Do you think public is aware of the noise pollution issue? How can we educate people to make them emotionally/spiritually aware in better ways such as storytelling, video art etc? Does urbanization affects/increase the level of noise? Do you think we can totally get rid of noise pollution in urban cities? Are you aware that there are rules and regulations regarding noise? Research for (digital record) location The other plan is to record some digital audio (sound) and visual (video) to show the main causes of the noise pollution. The planning location is such as Main town Highway road LRT / Commuter rail Factories Neighborhood around the town Entertainment place (club, pub) Construction in the town 1.5 Justification for the Research Noise is all around us, but that doesnt mean we should just placidly accept unhealthy and unsafe levels of noise. Exposure to loud or constant noises can contribute to or cause hearing loss or a reduction in your ability to hear some frequencies of sound. Noise can prevent us from sleeping, which in turn affects our health and mood. Noise can distract us from our work, leading to errors and their consequences. And noise can produce high stress levels by triggering the bodys flight-or-fight response, which in turn leads to high blood pressure. In short, noise is not just a nuisance; it is a real health issue. By doing this research, I may contribute and helping people living in the urban areas to give some awareness regarding noise pollution and at the same time will save our habitat and environment in urban areas. Throughout reading my research paper and artwork, it will create awareness and people will be able control the sound and decrease the level of the noise pollution in urban areas. Furthermore people in the cities also can avoid from getting some health effects regarding noise pollution. . 1.6 Methodology I will gather data from internet sources, magazines, journals and etc Documentary I will try to get documentaries and speeches by environmentalists. Interview I will try to find people from Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) to answer some questions via email. Survey I have prepared questions as my survey. Visual- I will get some information about noise pollution via audio video in spot location in urban city. 1.7 Scope Sample from MMU students aged from 18-30 years old. Public aged from 18-30 years old. 1.8 Outline of the Thesis Chapter 1 I will provide the introduction details of my research topic. Chapter 2 I will put up the works of the previous researchers have done theoretically and practically. Chapter 3 I will provide the details such as materials to collect data and the details of the investigation. Chapter 4 I will discuss the result that I gathered from chapter 3 and will provide full analysis of interpreting data in the form of tables, charts and figures. Chapter 5 I will answer all the questions stated in the chapter 1. I will then interpret the research findings and check if they the data agree with the aims and proposal of my research and will provide recommendation if theres need. 1.9 Definitions Urban An urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it. Urban areas may be cities, towns. Pollution- Pollution is the introduction of a contaminant into the environment. It is created mostly by human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution has a detrimental effect on any living organism in an environment, making it virtually impossible to sustain life. Noise- Noise is unwanted electrical or electromagnetic energy that degrades the quality of signals and data. Noise occurs in digital and analog systems, and can affect files and communications of all types, including text, programs, images, audio, and telemetry.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Tragic Cliff Essay -- Descriptive Essay Examples
The Tragic Cliff  Everyone needs a place to escape the everyday complications of life. Life has its ups and downs and we all learn to deal with them in different ways. Some people use exercise to release stress while others find places to hide from the stress for short periods of time.  I found a place of relaxation hundreds of feet above everyone looking down. Right outside of town there is a cliff that overlooks the downtown area. There I feel as though I am above everyone and nothing could touch me. I feel comfort just knowing I can observe thousands of people below me, like looking at little ants through a microscope, yet no one can see me. Trees and bushes hover over me like a blanket giving me shelter. It's almost like playing God.  Although I haven't been to the cliff in quite a while, do to being so busy, I still remember the peace I received that I could never find. To me, the cliff was a place of memories, innocence, and free energy. In nature there aren't any rules, regulations, or right or wrong answers. It's a place of freedom! &nbs...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Clarissa or The History of a Young Lady :: Clarissa History of a Young Lady
Clarissa or The History of a Young Lady  In the Johnson age there are many popular writers. One of these authors is Samuel Richardson, who was a novelist. His most popular novels were Pamela and Clarissa, which are both constructed of a series of letters. Clarissa, however, was regarded as one of his most popular European novels. "His masterpiece, Clarissa, or the History of a Young Lady, one of the greatest European novels, was published in 1747-8" (Richardson, 1).  When Richardson wrote Clarissa his intention was to write a novel of a series of letters that were written by an unskilled author. This book contains 537 letters written by various characters in the novel. Because the book is so long I could not read the whole thing nor have I ever read it before. As a result I can not say a lot about it. Because I find it is a little hard to read I was not able to read as much as I would have like to in the four hours that we were to set aside to read the book. I did, however, manage to read the first eight letters in the novel. The first letter was written to Clarissa Harlowe from her good friend Anna Howe. This letter is used to introduce the reader to the problems that have been going on in the Harlowe home that lead to Clarissa being the topic of gossip.  The letters that follow this one are from Clarissa to Anna and they explain what had happened. The trouble begins when Mr. Lovelace begins to visit the Harlowe home; it is believed that he is there to court the eldest daughter. However, this does not work out and he then decides the he would like to date the younger daughter, who is Clarissa. This is not well liked by her brother because Mr. Lovelace was his enemy all through college and there is now a grudge between the two. As a result, Clarissa's brother and Mr. Lovelace get into a fight and Clarissa's brother is injured. It is because of this that no one else in the family cares for him anymore either. However, this does not stop him from pursuing Clarissa.
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