Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Analysis Of The Poem The Ode On Intimations Of...
Sometimes, art is a joke, or an explanation, or a song. Art can inspire, destroy, or create. Art can be whatever you need it to be. Sometimes, you need a scream. A scream into a void telling it what you think and feel all the while hoping for a scream back. That s what Ode on Intimations of Immortality From Early Childhood by William Wordsworth is, Wordsworth s desperate attempt to scream into the void the best he could. But, what is he trying to say? The title is the first indication of the meaning of the poem. Since Wordsworth calls it an ode, he is saying that the intimations of immortality from early childhood are what he will be addressing in this poem. An intimation is the first indication or hint of something. So, the title is†¦show more content†¦He doesn’t say what the thought was or what relived the thought, but it is interesting to note that from the shepherd boy to the lamb to the bird all carry connotations of youth and vibrancy. As we see later on, this connection between youth and nature goes much deeper. The joy felt throughout this stanza is carried over into the fourth stanza where there is a such a vibrant celebration even the very earth is a part of it. During this celebration, he says that it would be an evil day if he were upset right now. This almost suggests that he is unhappy right now and is forcing himself to be happy. It guides the reader to question this happiness and separate the narra tor, and in turn themselves, from the scene laid out before them. The distrust is only heightened when from the very trees and flowers themselves a question is whispered. Where is that dream from before? Where did it go? This is how the fourth stanza concludes as it lays the groundwork for the rest of the poem by tying together the first four stanzas. These first four stanzas are used by Wordsworth to prepare the reader to understand him. Throughout the first four stanzas, Wordsworth continually drives home the separation between this man and the nature around him. From the inability to fully see nature in the first stanza or the thought of grief from the third stanza, this separation is always there. It’s never a negative thing. Wordsworth doesn’t implyShow MoreRelated`` Ode : Intimations Of Immortality From Recollections Of Early Childhood ``919 Words  | 4 Pagesextract the useful information from the literacy works. However, everyone has their own interpretation to the same literacy work, and it is not caused by those knowledge. In the poem, â€Å"Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood†, William Wordsworth discusses the ever-changing relati onship between the human being and the God. He carefully chooses the words that clearly relate to his religious belief, which leads readers are able to avoid the effect from the biblical allusion andRead MoreA Child is the Father of Man2480 Words  | 10 Pagesthe father of Man†Wordsworth wrote a poem The Rainbow and left behind a very famous saying that â€Å"child is the father of man.†This statement has been interpreted by various critics in various ways. For Wordsworth, it is important because a child is spiritually very elevated. He has a direct link with nature. He says that a child is a symbol of purity and innocence which remains untarnished until he grows up and gets engaged in worldly affairs. Wordsworth thinks a child is more akin
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Apology By Bernard Of Clairvaux - 1143 Words
Luxury played an immense role in medieval Catholicism by taking the focus from God and placing it on the acquisition of riches and glory, which is shown by these sources: The Apology by Bernard of Clairvaux, The Book of Suger by The Abbot Suger and Guilty Pleasures: Luxury in the Middle Ages. These sources demonstrate the exorbitant manner that the churches and monasteries were being built in during that time. This not only drew attention away from the real reason for these buildings, but also was a form of idolatry for these monks, despite the honest intentions of some of them, including the Abbot Suger. Each source lends different insight into the corruption of the church during this medieval period. Apology by Bernard of Clairvaux†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In short, so many and so marvelous are the various shapes surrounding us that it is more pleasant to read the marble tanthe books, and to spend the whole day marveling over these things rather than meditating on the law of God†1 Bernard realized that despite their best efforts, the monks of Cluny could not help but be distracted from God by the riches. Therefore, he tries to bring this to attention in his writing. Another criticism that Bernard brings up in his writing is the integration of the Cluniac monks into society. He mentions that the Cluniac monks are using luxury for the acquisition of more riches, as well as for the attraction of more wealthy benefactors. He asks the Cluniac monks what they are expecting to receive for their efforts, â€Å"Admiration from the foolish? Offering from the ignorant? Or scattered as we are among the gentiles, are we learning their tricks and serving their idols?â⠂¬ 1 Bernard brings up a good point, which is that the Cluniac monks are becoming too worldly. They are becoming too focused on the contributions that they will receive from the world, in order to decorate their churches and monasteries. They are forgetting that they became monks to leave the world behind. The Abbot of Suger has a very contradictory view towards the luxury, which he expounds upon in The Book of Suger. He states the reasoning for the beginning of the luxury that was lavished upon the buildings. In the twenty-third year of
Saturday, December 14, 2019
United states syria intervention Free Essays
Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel. Syria has gained independence in 1930, but always had political problems. The civil war that sparked in 2011 and continued in 2012, the war completely devastated the country. We will write a custom essay sample on United states syria intervention or any similar topic only for you Order Now More than 45,000 people were believed to be killed, most of them probably civilians. By the end of 2012 a thousands more were Injured. About 470,000 Syrian refugees were registered with the United Nations to give civilians access to countries Like Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, and Jordan, while thousands of other people cross the border without registration. The united States government is practically bankrupt right now; the financial system is on the verge of a collapse. Ever since the military campaign â€Å"War on Terror†which started as a result of the September 11 attack. It was a military campaign to eliminate al-Qaeda. As of today this campaign Is still ongoing. From the beginning of the ‘War on Terror our national debt was under six billion dollars. Today It has increased to 14. 3 trillion dollars. That’s where the taxpayer moneys go. â€Å"Finally, there is also a strategic argument in favor of intervention. The U. S. Has o strategic interests in Syria, but it does have them in nearly all of Syrians neighbors. Turkey is a NATO ally. †– Kenneth M. Pollack. Pollack is stating that the U. S government really doesn’t reason to intervene there because they don’t have plans, they only wish to do an airstrips. History Intends to repeat Itself, This situation Is almost the same as the on Iraq. President Bush administered a â€Å"War on Terror†. President Bush believed that Iraq had biological weapons which proven to be false. Billions of taxpayer money has been wasted on the war. Moreover, United States also wanted to establish democracy n Iraq. Democracy wasn’t around for long, instead riots started breaking out. Sunnis and Shiite militants attacked U. S troops. Then a civil war broke out between the Sunnis and the Shiites. Violence after Violence, I can predict the same fate for Syria too. I am not the only one who is opposed against this, most of our fellow Americans are too is against this, and only nine percent of Americans believes that united States should take military actions against Syria. With support like that no wonder Obama backed out of this. Moreover, Syria poses no threat to us. So far no one has pointed out on how attacking Syria Is vital to the United States. The U. S military Job is to protect the security of United States, not to Intervene with other nations. Government. The United States don’t seem to be seeking out Sad. There is clearly no goal here. The United States is left open for another war, wasting more of the taxpayer’s money. All the taxpayers’ money can be used in our education system, or our NASA program. The government needs to spend our money more wisely. I also believe it is unacceptable to encourage more war. As far as I’m concerned, ar always means failure†– Jacques Circa. War solves nothing, leaders must find peaceful way to resolve their issues, and therefore war only brings pain and violence to people’s lives. How to cite United states syria intervention, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Effect of Communication on Organisational Goal Attainment free essay sample
Since the inception of organizational communication in the 60’s, work has been done to develop it which then resulted in books being specifically written about organizational communication. As the organizational environment changes, there are more dynamic ways to deal with the challenges to ensure that the goal of the organization is achieved. For example, if an organization such as the DE UNITED FOODS INDUSTRIES LIMITED, the manufacturer of Indomie Noodles in Nigeria is faced with productivity challenges; downward communication is used to communicate the goals and the consequences for not achieving the goals. The success of an organization depends on how well it designs its communication strategies to effectively communicate with internal and external stakeholders. The importance of information flow within an organization can result in high productivity and customer satisfaction. For example, if DE UNITED FOODS INDUSTRIES LIMITED enters to a productivity agreement of 30 Trailer cartons of Indomie per week with a client, employees must be informed about that agreement. Communication in an organization is initiated at various levels which results in design of the message according to various audience needs, bearing in mind the channels through which the message travels and feedback to the sender. The different categories of employee levels will be taken into consideration, i. e. management, supervisors, full time union representatives and operational staff. Organizations are structured such that power and authority is delegated according to seniority which enforces the acceptable behaviour within the organization. Each function does not exist alone but depends on other function which is why an organization is seen as a system. For example, the operations department at DE UNITED FOODS INDUSTRIES LIMITED has a significant relationship with as well as human resources department for the production process. In an organization there are various functions which need to be carried out. Consequently, communication becomes central in the delivery of those functions. Furthermore, communication is used to coordinate various activities and information must flow in various directions. It is the function of management to transfer to the subordinates instructions and information about the goals and objective of the organization. Subordinates are expected to provide feedback about their performance and offer suggestions to improve their performance. Employees at the same level need to share information which might have taken time to reach them due to the hierarchical levels. DE UNITED FOOD INDUSTRIES LIMITED is one of the core business divisions of INDOFOOD SUKSES MARMUR TBK, Indonesia which is a private organization. The core business of DE UNITED FOODS INDUSTRIES LIMITED is to produce Noodles for the teeming population of Nigeria. According to DUFIL(DE UNITED FOOD INDUSTRIES LIMITED) Human Resources communication update (January 2009), DUFIL employs 600 direct employees and 1000 indirect employees respectively, most of whom are mature and have been with the organization for up to 15 years. As the company serves her teeming consumers and clients, it is required to keep up with the changing business challenges. These changes include majorly, sustainability in the competitive business environment and how to achieve the goals, aims and objective of the organization profitably. As a result of the DUFIL four points turnaround strategy which is aimed amongst other things the achievement of a healthy balance sheet and process re-engineering. Employees have low morale which results in low productivity due to changes in processes and structures as well as pressure to achieve objectives in a limited timeframe. The identifiable possible causes of the problem of low performance of the employees can be attributed to the following; ? Lack of effective communication; ? Ineffective leadership supervision; ? Lack of motivation. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Communication problems always exist in complex organizations like DUFIL. The challenge for management is to minimize the level of dysfunctional operation. However, identifying the causes of poor communication is a complex task. As Buchanan and Huczynski (2004,P. 79) assert that the factors affecting communication are wide-ranging and often depend on multiple variables; â€Å"Organizations systematically inhibit communication through hierarchical structures, power and status differences, the design and gendered differentiation of jobs, the nature of employment contracts, physical layouts and rules. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study is to critically analyze the effect of communication in achieving organizational goal within DUFIL, Nigeria. T he study will focus on the content of information to the various levels of the organization. Downs Adrian (2004:62) believes that in a healthy organization, information flows upward, downward, horizontal and diagonal. Therefore, it is imperative that DUFIL use the different flows effectively. Should the flows not be utilized effectively corrective measures must be put in place. Different structures and levels of authority in an organization result in different flows of communication. For example, communication between senior clerks is horizontal flow of communication whilst information from the manager to the senior clerk is downward communication.. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The principle questions are: 1. What are the impacts of effective communication on organizational goal? 2. How does effective communication affect organizational goal? 3. What are the factors influencing employees performance? 4. What are the measures hat improve employees performance? STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESIS HYPOTHESIS 1 H0: Effective communication does not have an effect in achieving organizational goal. H1: Effective communication has had an effect in achieving organizational goal. HYPOTHESIS 2 HO: Efficient supervision through communication does not increase workers output HI: Efficient supervision through communication increases workers output. HYPOTHESIS 3 HO: Adequate information does not increase workers productivity. HO: Adequate information increases workers productivity. RESEARCH AIM OBJECTIVES At the end of this research work we should be able to examine the effective communication in achieving organisational goal. The research aims to examine other related factors that affect organisational goal. Finally, to explore what strategies are needed to help staff understand the role of effective communication in relation to employee performance to achieving organisational goal. OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH SHALL BE The objectives of the research shall be ? To examine how effective communication impacts on organisational goal. ? Explore related factors influencing employee performance to achieve organisational goal. ? Recommend appropriate measures to improve employee performance. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The rationale for embarking on the research is because ineffective management is one of the biggest problems of the DUFIL. It is intended to find out how the identified problems confronting DUFIL can be resolved in order to enhance performance and move the company forward. This becomes imperative against the objectives of the DUFIL’s efforts to enhance effectiveness, and the increasing need to pay attention to the study of organisational goal in the establishment in order to help managers understand how best to harness employee performance for the benefit of the organisational goal. SCOPE OF STUDY The brief discussion about communication in an organization and its function forms the basis of the study at DUFIL. It provides the conceptual background for the study. The discussion will cover the functions, characteristics of communication and the various flows of communication to lay grounds for the literature review and the study itself. One of the solutions to business re-engineering at DUFIL will be to change the operational processes. Communication will serve as an agent of change. Communication, as advised by Robbins (1998:310) serves four functions, whilst Downs Adrian (2004:60) identify five functions. The four functions by Robbins are: control, motivation, emotional expression and information. Adrian Downs identify the following functions of communication: task/work, social/maintenance, motivation, integration, and innovation. Although they differ in topics some are similar in discussion, except the innovation function. These communication functions are discussed briefly below. Control function The flow of communication in an organization is controlled by the value and procedures of the organization. The types of messages which are sent, the source, and the channel are controlled by the authority or management. The study will attempt to discuss the effectiveness of the control function at DUFIL. Management communication which is referred to as the formal communication is controlled by the management of the organization. Although Downs Adrian (2004: 60) refer to task or work function their argument supports Robbins in those supervisors inform, instruct, command, identify goals and announce controls. The policies contain the controls on how the tasks need to be carried out. Motivation function Motivation is fostered upon employees by clarifying what is to be done, how well they are doing and what can be done to improve performance. The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress towards the goals and re-enforcement of desired behaviour all stimulate motivation. The communication that takes place within the group is a fundamental mechanism by which members show their frustration and feelings of satisfaction. Downs Adrian (2004:60) on the subject of motivation, argue that employees cannot always be ordered or commanded. They can, however, be persuaded to do their jobs. Employees are motivated by both their managers and their colleagues. Emotional expression function Communication, therefore, provides a release of emotional expression of feelings and fulfillment of social needs. Employees spend approximately eight hours at work every day so their work environment is seen as a place where they can socialize. Downs Adrian (2004:61) discuss this function under. Social or maintenance function Where they argue that the immediate goal of maintenance communication enhance the individual’s feeling of self-worth and to place high value on co-operation. Information function Communication also provides information which enables individuals and groups to make decisions by transmitting data to identify and evaluate alternative choices. An enormous amount of information is needed by the employees to operate effectively and efficiently. The informative function is important because managers need accurate, timely and well-organized information to reach decisions or to resolve conflict. Without a constant flow of information, managers cannot take informed decisions. Consequently, success may be the result of chance than an informed decision. Downs Adrian (2004:61) further argue this point through the function of integration. They are of the opinion that the information provided links to inform the employees about the organization. Innovation function Downs Adrian (2004:61) argue over and above the four functions by Robins that for modern organizations to adapt to the environment, they turn to the employees for suggestions. In addition to the suggestion system, problem solving meetings quality circles and goal setting are means of being innovative. In the discussion that follows, cognizance will be taken of the characteristics and the flows of communication in an organization. The discussion of functions and characteristics will lay a foundation for the study in terms of understanding organizational communication. Communication characteristics Mersham Skinner (2004:68) identify a number of communication characteristics viz. : Communication is a fundamental component of management. Communication within an organization should be viewed as a contributing partner with other key staff functions in influencing employee understanding of both business goals and public relation issues. Commitment by top management. There should be support for the communication process at all levels of authority in an organization. An overall company policy on organizational communication and guidelines for managers and supervisors are important. A communication strategy is essential. Communication must be a planned process and it should include all stakeholders’ issues and desires. The plan should be revised each year and aligned to business strategy. Managers are key to success. Managers are key catalysts for effective communication and the communication system must recognize their need for information, training and rewards for effective communication performance. Top executives should set the example by being accessible, share important information and ideas even if they are negative. Most importantly, all managers need to ensure that ideas and criticism are acted upon or transmitted to the appropriate persons for appropriate action. Priority issues should form the content. The latter mentioned should be the core content of the management communication programme and should be discussed in an open understandable manner through various channels of communication. Regular evaluation will ensure effectiveness. The communication process should undergo regular evaluation to prove its worth in terms of employee management relations as well as employee performance and awareness of key public issues. It is essential that the communication function be tested periodically to determine its effectiveness and to give direction for improvement. The discussion on the role of communication and characteristics is followed by the discussion of the main flows of communication in an organization. Organizational communication and various flows The structure of an organization forms the basis for the division of labour and function, delegation of decision making authority and horizontal and vertical coordination. The study focuses on the four flows of information in an organization which are; downward, upward, horizontal and diagonal. These will be discussed briefly and dealt with in detail in the literature review. Downward communication flow Downward communication flow refers to communication directed to lower levels of the hierarchy by higher levels. According to Verwey Du Plooy-Cilliers (2002:164), hierarchical structures lead to re-enforced control which is linked to the control function as discussed earlier. The organizational structure has a major impact on downward communication. The purpose of downward communication flow is to give instructions, provide information about procedures and practices and communicate goals and strategic objectives of the organization. Upward communication Upward communication refers to messages that flow from subordinates to superiors. Verwey Du Plooy-Cilliers (2002:165) believe that effective communication in an organization is possible only if management not only speaks, but also listens. The purpose of upward communication include, amongst other, the giving of feedback on performance, seeking clarity on the task allowing worker participation and providing information necessary for effective decision making. Horizontal communication Horizontal communication flow refers to communication amongst people who are at the same organizational level of authority. Messages at this level tend to be functional and usually task orientated. Fielding (2006:53) describes this as sideways communication. The purpose hereof is information sharing, problem solving, conflict resolution and co-ordination. Diagonal communication Diagonal communication flow refers to communication across the organizational levels. Diagonal communication occurs amongst people at different levels of the organizational hierarchy and in different departments. Pace Faules (1994:126) refer to this as cross channel communication. The purpose hereof is to create relationships related to tasks. The following discussion will focus on the background and the methods which will be utilized to analyze DUFIL communication flows. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Communication: is the activity of conveying meaningful information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the senders intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. Therefore, Business Communication: communication used to promote a product, service, or organization; relay information within the business; or deal with legal and similar issues. 2. Organisation: is a social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal. Also it can be described as the persons (or committees or departments etc. who make up a body for the purpose of administering something. However, business organization can be defined as a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it. 3. Downward communication flow Downward communication flow refers to communication directed to lower levels of the hierarchy by higher levels. According to Verwey Du Plooy-Cilliers (2002:164), hierarchical structures lead to re-enforced control which is linked to the control func tion as discussed earlier. The organizational structure has a major impact on downward communication. The purpose of downward communication flow is to give instructions, provide information about procedures and practices and communicate goals and strategic objectives of the organization. 4. Upward communication Upward communication refers to messages that flow from subordinates to superiors. Verwey Du Plooy-Cilliers (2002:165) believe that effective communication in an organization is possible only if management not only speaks, but also listens. The purpose of upward communication include, amongst other, the giving of feedback on performance, seeking clarity on the task allowing worker participation and providing information necessary for effective decision making. 5. Horizontal communication Horizontal communication flow refers to communication amongst people who are at the same organizational level of authority. Messages at this level tend to be functional and usually task orientated. Fielding (2006:53) describes this as sideways communication. The purpose hereof is information sharing, problem solving, conflict resolution and co-ordination. . Diagonal communication Diagonal communication flow refers to communication across the organizational levels. Diagonal communication occurs amongst people at different levels of the organizational hierarchy and in different departments. Pace Faules (1994:126) refer to this as cross channel communication. The purpose hereof is to create relationships related to tasks 7. Management: Th e organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of defined objectives.
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