Friday, October 11, 2019
“Cut” – Creative Writing
â€Å"We're here,†Dad breathed a huge sigh of relief as our flashy, new Lotus rolled effortlessly along the neglected, overgrown gravel drive. The stress of travelling for five exhausting hours across the everlasting terrain of Switzerland had got to all of us. The trepidation engulfed me as we passed the colossal pines that stood at the side of the drive shivering in the unbearably cold temperature. Even at that moment in the depth of the Swiss winter the comforting, peach coloured rays of the rising morning sun peeked warily through the dominant clouds. I stared in awe as a low flying eagle flexed its wings majestically in a demonstration of unlimited power and agility. I watched in wonder, as it swooped through the dense woodland and off into the distance. The car suddenly swerved uncontrollably to the left bringing my wandering thoughts back to the present. Dad, by now a little fatigued nearly hit a baby rabbit, which obviously unaware of its actions darted off into the safety of a nearby gorse bush. The waiting was almost unbearable as we veered around the last corner and drove carefully up to our new house. The house was what I expected. The main building was huge, sixteenth century and made of stone. The outer buildings consisted of a spacious garage and a dilapidated stable block. As we neared it I could see the windows, thick with grime and dust that had gathered over the many years the house had been uninhabited. The crumbling stone walls were wrapped in a substantial blanket of spindly ivy. Much of it was dying, ripped from the now vulnerable walls by the raging gales that had hit Switzerland only months ago. Needless to say, the house looked stunning as the blazing sun beat down lighting it up in the most peculiar way. It had almost a frightening, mysterious feel to it. Even in its beauty it was slightly spooky but that didn't really bother me. It was the house of my dreams set in the vast, mountainous regions of Switzerland. The freedom of the open country appealed greatly to me and the clean, fresh air rushing vigorously through the open car window cleared my mind as I smiled and relaxed, slumping down into the soft, furry car seat. As the first few glistening snowdrops began to fall from the overcast sky I felt at ease with myself. This was my heaven. The gravel crunched as the car ground to a halt. My brother and I leapt out of the lifeless car. Dad enthusiastically wrenched open the awkward car boot and hauled out the most humungous suitcase I had ever seen. He then proceeded to dump it into my weak arms and with ever ounce of my diminishing strength I lugged it into the house. As I entered, the most horrendous musty smell hit my sensitive nose making me feel terribly nauseous. I walked slowly over to the kitchen table. The house was silent, not quiet, but silent. A cold silence. The type that makes you shudder. I looked around. The light flowing through the ancient glass windows cast shadows in the room. The table was coated with thick dust protecting the pinewood underneath. I drew a short, sharp breath and blew. Multitudinous clouds of swirling dust flew through the air covering everything in its path. I coughed violently, my lungs on fire, as they fought to keep the overpowering dust out. All around me spiders scowled, most irritated by my presence. I crept quietly over the old fashioned, tiled floor towards the living room. As I advanced through the broken doorframe I felt a sticky cobweb grab my unsuspecting face, trapping it in a veil of ragged threads. I let out a blood-curdling wail covering my face with my shaking hands. â€Å"Don't be such a baby,†my brother sneered, as, unfortunately for me he walked through the battered front door. I ignored his puerile remark and hurried into the living room. In the darkest corner of the dimly lit room stood a grandfather clock. Tick – tock, tick – tock, tick – tock. Its repetitive sound could be heard every second. Its aching muscles strained continuously to keep it alive. It looked bored and tired like a damp, filthy mine worker in the last hour of his never ending shift. As it hit the hour the shrill everlasting chime of its rusty pendulum rang out echoing in my ears. The dated, grubby wallpaper that appeared to have been once white was now a muddy coloured brown. The leaky roof caused scraggy strips to hang off the cream walls. The stripy light that broke through the dusty barrier on the window caused intricate patterns to cover the dirty floor. My arm, now numb with excruciating pain dropped the intolerable suitcase and with an almighty thud it hit the ground. I heard the front door slam shut sending noticeable vibrations through the floor like the starting tremor of an earthquake. Dad walked in with the last of our belongings. â€Å"Are you O.K,†he exclaimed seeming extremely anxious about my present state. †Yes I'm fine,†I muttered quietly. â€Å"Come and help us unpack,†Dad suggested The thought of unpacking piles of kitchen utensils, bedroom furniture and various miscellaneous objects made me quiver. My legs felt like pink blancmange as I struggled to find a plausible excuse. I could think of tonnes of better things to do in this serene countryside than unenthusiastically unpacking hoards of useless junk! †I think I might go and explore our new surroundings,†I stuttered, that being the only half – decent excuse my unproductive brain could generate. I staggered past my father, lengthening my hurried steps like a startled antelope fleeing for its life. As I reached for the door I glanced towards my unfortunate brother and mocked him as he started to unpack lackadaisically. I strode out into the freezing winters air and felt it bite my rosy cheeks. The blinding sun had risen and put a glorious smile on the faces of colourful flowers. I heard the distant crunch of the gravel drive and roaring around the corner came the yellow painted, battered removal van that made a deafening clanging noise every time it hit a pothole. I smiled, praising myself for the dextrous way in which I got out of unpacking. I wandered over to the broken, wooden gate that led out into the acres of harsh mountains that we now owned. I opened the fragile gate and stepped carefully through. As soon as I did I entered a new, magical world. The fiery sun made the sodden grass glisten like the expensive diamonds that stood in the busy New York streets that contained my old house. This was so wonderfully different to New York. As I took my first delicate steps into this radiant world I felt at ease with myself. My eyes rolled in there tightening sockets as I looked around. The emerald grass unfolded meticulously before me like a contemporary carpet that had been recently laid. I carefully picked out the biggest mountain and in my insane determination I decided to climb to the top. It wasn't too far ahead, just through some dense woodland and there it would be. As I traipsed through the meadow grass the fresh, overnight dew bleached my comfortable trainers making my feet squelch with every step. From the ground arose a hazy mass of steam through which I had to strain my weary eyes to see. Overhead I heard the distant rumbling of a helicopter shattering the glorious peacefulness of this incredible place. Stopping to inhale the invigorating mountain air I caught sight of a bunch of daffodils. Their petals shone like the 18-carat gold pendant that hung loosely around my neck. Bending down low I prudently picked them and placed them in my new satchel making sure they wouldn't get damaged. I quickened my pace slightly as I gaped at my watch. The time had flown by at amazing speed. I had been enjoying myself so much. Now as I neared the dense woodland that lay before me I started to feel more and more exhilarated. The entrance to the forest was extremely boggy. Clusters of trees spread their leaves out as far as possible as they fought to keep out the light. My watering eyes widened to let in every bit of available light. It was like entering a graveyard at midnight. Everything was silent. I shivered as small goose bumps protected my freezing body. It was much chillier in the forest. I scrabbled into my deep waterproof bag and retrieved my much-needed sweater. It took me an eternity to put it on as I struggled impatiently to get my massive head through the correct hole. I strolled on only to trip over a tree trunk. †Ouch,†I bellowed, more irritated than anything else. I heard a scuffle as an anxious vixen fled from my disturbance. I picked myself up and brushed the ingrained mud off of my combat, camouflaged trousers. The leaves swirled around my aching feet, irate from being uplifted from where they lay. I wandered on unaware of what was to follow. The twigs crackled from beneath my feet attacking me as I stomped along the disused path. I had no idea how far I was from the long awaited mountain but suddenly seeing a strip of light desperately reaching towards the forest floor gave me hope. Behind me a sleepy owl hooted ignorantly, making me jump. I was already on edge as it was quite terrifying walking in the pitch black. â€Å"Yes,†I shrieked, as walking around the last corner I saw light at the end of the forest. I stepped up my pace to a jog, panting with every step as my deprived lungs gasped for air. I leapt out of the forest and there sure enough towering above me was the gigantic mountain. In my enthusiasm I started to climb. The steep gradient didn't bother me. It was my goal to get to the top and I would get there at all costs. Various birds squawked noisily above my head and flew off into the distance swooping and diving at different intervals. The fiery dragon that had earlier heated the air with its scorching breath and lit the sky with an incredible red sunrise had slowly flown behind the clouds. It was now stone cold and the first heavy drops of salty tasting rain were falling at an increasingly hurried rate. The bright sky had turned a miserable grey. As I climbed, by now a little more slowly, I suddenly felt something hit my face. A sharp pang of pain rippled through my cheek and I clutched it tightly, cringing as it began to throb. I looked around and saw the culprit. The bat flew off innocently as if it had done nothing wrong. All around I could see animals running for cover. If only then I had realise the danger they were warning me of; things might have been a lot different. The atmosphere was creepy. The noticeable noise that had once surrounded the mountain had completely disappeared. It was eerie and as the first flash of disconcerting lightning appeared in the dismal sky I was rather wishing I was still at home. Thud! I heard the noise from behind me. I started to panic. It was probably a tree falling down or something of that kind I thought, desperately trying to reassure myself. Thud! I heard it again. I froze. Looking around I could see nothing but I felt so vulnerable, so alone. I bravely carried on. Thud! By now I was petrified. Tears ran down my fearful face. I screamed out. Battling against the driving rain I ran. Thud! Thud! Somebody was chasing me. I looked behind me. Nothing. â€Å"Help,†I whimpered, but I new there was no – one to save me. Thud! Thud! Thud! It continued. I was in hysteria, tearing up mountain. My legs could go no faster. Thud! Thud! I looked behind me again. Nothing. At every step I took†¦ †¦Thud! Thud! I was blinded by fear and as I glanced behind me once more through my tear-glazed eyes I could see a tall, dark figure. Although transparent in appearance to my horror I could see it was moving towards me. Thud! Thud! I felt the breath on my neck. Hot. Clammy. I was screaming with terror. I felt dangerously faint. The fine hairs on the back of my pale neck stuck up on end. Speechless from shock, still I screamed. But I could no longer go on. In my growing exhaustion, I stumbled. Then I felt him grab me†¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Cut,†The director bellowed. We had been filming all day and I was just getting in the mood for the thriller that we were staging. Retreating hastily to join the rest of the cast I knew what the director was about to say. In the failing evening light he took the words right out of my mind. †The light is to dim. All return back here tomorrow!†he shouted as he stormed off.
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